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Thanksgiving Day I woke up with a swollen eye. My allergies decided to revolt. My eye decided to participate. It was classic holiday sabotage. I go upstairs to see my young ones and I can instantly tell that something is going on with Cole. It’s that mom thing you never think you’d have but I hear the voice of Maxine from Soul Food saying to her son, momma knows when you’re up to something. He wasn’t up to something but something was going on. I ask, what’s wrong and he says his eyes are burning so bad. After my mother scrambles to find a thermometer, we take his temperature and it is at 103. She wasn’t sure if it was an accurate reading because honestly she had to find it but we were certain that he was warm enough for it to be higher than normal. We immediately get him started on fluids and off I went to the store for medicine.

But the reality is life isn’t a smooth roll out. Motherhood is not a smooth roll out. 

I planned on throwing on those lashes I only wear a few times out of the year, some makeup, a perfect half up bun, jewelry and lotion. Preparing to sashay to the living room for my thanksgiving photo shoot or the front yard for a sunset delight. Capture me and my crew in our curated outfits with matching undertones to maybe send them out in the Christmas cards I need to start planning to mail out but that’s not how the day went. I was in full mother bear mode. Flying out the house, on thanksgiving day, in a wrinkled shirt I never got around to ironing, to tackle Walmart with people who were there because someone ran out of seasoning or other intricacies that sneak up on you the day of a holiday. 

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After getting what I needed for Cole in addition to a few more trips to the store for our own thanksgiving day forgotten intricacies, I was looking like my own version of a turkey by the time dinner came around. I was SO sleepy and hungry and had no desire to take a picture. I was so sad at the end of the night that the day didn’t go the way I envisioned it. A vision that was based on the day being perfect and fitting my own narrative of the holiday: I will be more thankful because it all rolled out smoothly. But the reality is life isn’t a smooth roll out. Motherhood is not a smooth roll out. 

While annoyance tried to creep in and stir up feelings of disappointment, I found that joy and gratitude reigned supreme. Motherhood has taught me to be flexible. Expect the unexpected and travel with everything but the kitchen sink. Sometimes I feel like we’ve outgrown the need for that type of mental and physical preparation but the truth of the matter is that I’ll always be a mother. No matter how big they get, they will always need me. 

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I’m thankful for the calling.
I’m thankful that I was chosen to be theirs. I’m thankful that Walmart is open on thanksgiving for the mothers who aren’t prepared for everything.
I’m thankful for healing.
Yesterday I captured these pictures. A day after thanksgiving say cheese boys, living room photo shoot. And yet they are still timely and perfect.  No pictures of me and Scott but sit tight we’re bouncing back today 😉 

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I thank God for this life and the curve balls He throws at me to keep me focused on what’s important and to learn to lean on Him at all times.

It’s a beautiful journey.

A perfect story to enjoy.

Gratitude 🙏🏾 

MOTHERHOODCaneeka Miller