Forgive The Year: Unexpected Mourning and the Space To Grieve

2021 Year in review. 

What wasn’t captured:

panic attacks,

a lot of therapy,

writing + editing IN A HIGH PLACE: Black Womanhood and A Woman Rising,

a lot of crying,

imposter syndrome,

DONA Doula training for Postpartum certification,

interviews with families,

learning a new job in 48 hours and accomplishing in 6 months what hadn’t been done in over a year.
2 vaccines,

a booster,

celebration of life,

mourning with those who mourn,

mentoring a high school senior and seeing her off to college,

getting a new mentee and being a light + wisdom in this time of uncertainty,

cancelling trips because of Covid,

catching Covid and being isolated from my kids for 15 days,

an antibody infusion,

post Covid symptoms,

pressing on when I wanted to quit. 

This is just a highlight reel. 

While the new year can bring a drive of declarations and a fervency to move forward, don’t miss the opportunity to sit with the highs and lows of the year. Everyone is sharing their highs because it’s easier to forget the lows ever existed. The lows don’t get announced. There aren’t any pictures or footage of those ugly moments. But those moments made our year as well. Don’t ignore their significance.

Forgive the journey for what it gave you; if it gave you unexpected sorrow. Give yourself the space to grieve the year you thought you’d have and exhale knowing you still have breath to grow, heal, and become.
Cheers to 2022!
May it find you safe and in love with every piece of your story being written.


WOMANHOODCaneeka Miller